Using AGS Annealer

Annealing made affordable and simple

AGS Brass Case Annealer 3.0

New version features and upgrades walkthrough

AGS Brass Annealer v 3.0 basic review

AGS Brass Annealer v 3.0 detailed review on YouTube by LSWildhuntinggear

Detailed Customer Review

AGS Brass Annealer detailed review on YouTube by Flooded

Unveiling the Latest AGS Custom Annealer

Version 3.2 Unboxed

AGS Version 3.2 Annealer in Action


Automating an AGS Annealer

Corwin Bos

Annealing Guide

Proper annealing processes demonstration – by PrimalRights’ YT channel

The Science Behind Annealing Brass

Annealing is a heat treatment of brass that alters the physical and/or chemical properties of a material in order to make it more workable


Tempilaq ® Indicating Liquid is a quick and easy method to verify the achievement of a specific temperature on your brass

AGS Annealer in the Works

User submitted video

AGS Review Response

Stefan’s answer to Flooded review

PWM Adjustments on AGS Annealer 3.0

Menu section explained

Shot Show 2024

PPU Booth AGS Custom Parts Annealer

Youtube Shorts

User Videos